Friday, 26 November 2010

Les Ballet Trockadero do Monte Carlo

They are Back!! I have booked well in advanced I have Stall ticket for Wednesday 13th April 2011
at Festival Theatre at £19.50 (£7.50 cheaper) just get in touch with me if you are interested.

Christmas Time

Just a suggestion, as Boxing Day is on the Sunday that Prime is due to meet, I shall be opening up 10 Union Street that afternoon for an afternoon tea.
You will be welcome to come along and bring a friend is you wish.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


This Sunday, 28th November will be a Film Afternoon featuring the original screen version of 'The Picture of Dorian Gray', Oscar Wilde's only published novel.

Come along at 2pm for coffee and informal chat before the film. The afternoon will finish at approx 4pm.

Primetime Edinburgh meets at the GMH office, 10 Union Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LU. More details from John on